Black Youth in Policy: Opportunities & Barriers

Join Velma Morgan, Dr. Rashid Sumalia, and Iyanu Soyege to discuss the opportunities and barriers for Black youth in the policy field!
Why is Student-led Advocacy Important? – Scholars in Prison Engagementship

Luiza Teixeira, Emma Li, and Golsa Moazedi reflect on their work in the Scholars in Prison Engagementship and the importance of student-led advocacy.
Stop Filming Us But Listen: Film screening & discussion

Cinema Thinks the World is pleased to present a free screening of Stop Filming Us But Listen, followed by a discussion about the film with UBC scholars Andrea Crossan (Global Reporting Centre), Sara Ghebremusse (Law) and Shannon Walsh (Film Production), moderated by Liliane Umuhoza (MA Student, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs).
Youth and Human Rights: Can young people save the world?

This event will feature a panel of young leaders within UBC who are approaching human rights challenges in their communities in unique ways.
Human Rights and the Environment: Are Human Rights only about Humans?

This event has now concluded. Thank you to those who attended. A recording can be found below. This session will focus on the relationship between human rights and the environment. Are human rights only about humans? How can we use human rights to improve our environment? Dr. David Boyd will present how we can […]
Trauma-Informed Community Care

About the Event Activists often face vicarious traumatization as social and environmental injustice can be traumatizing. In order for activists to engage in human rights work in a sustainable manner, addressing and openly talking about how to practice community care is essential. Rather than individualizing care work, community care asks how we can support the […]
Exposing Normalized Violence in Canada

About the Event This session will focus on exposing the normalized realities of human rights abuses in Canada. Do we think of Canada when discussing major human rights-violating countries? Canada, one of the leading defenders and advocates of human rights globally, is rarely considered a place with longstanding human rights violations. Our panelists will expose […]
Through the Lens: Image Use and Implications

This event has now concluded. Thank you to those who attended. A recording can be found below. About the Event What are the ethics of image use in human rights work? How are these images used to depict power, agency, and diversity? How can these images be problematic, reinforce stereotypes, and promote ‘othering’? This event […]
(De)humanizing? Critiquing Representations of Human Rights in Film

Date: Friday October 28th, 2022 from 12:00-1:30pm Pacific Location: Place of Many Trees, Liu Institute, UBC-Vancouver How can media and film fetishize, be dehumanizing or further shape the discussion around human rights. How are human rights represented, reinforced or challenged in film? What goes into making human rights representation authentic? What are the hurdles in […]
Human Rights Education Advisory Committee – Call for Students!
Human Rights Education Advisory Committee – Call for Students! Are you an upper-level student at UBC interested in an interdisciplinary approach to human rights? Do you want to engage with human rights in higher education? The Human Rights Education Advisory Committee is looking for two motivated students to represent diverse student perspectives and get involved […]